
Militants call cease-fire in Niger Delta

ABUJA, Niger, Sept. 22 (UPI) -- The militant Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, answering pleas by local leaders, declared a unilateral cease-fire in Nigeria's oil-rich region.

The organization warned, however, that the cease-fire could end if the Nigerian military resumed attacks and that other groups outside of its control may not respect the cease-fire, the Voice of America reported.


The organization declared war on the oil industry a week ago, saying it was responding to ground and airstrikes by the Nigerian army against one of the militant operation's bases. Rebels claim the oil wealth of Nigeria doesn't benefit local populations enough.

Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta officials said they decided to call a cease-fire after pleas by community leaders. Regional leader Edwin Clark, who has ties to the rebels and has been talking with government officials to resolve the crisis, said the rebels had a valid point, VOA reported Sunday

"I call (the militants) freedom fighters because they are fighting for their own survival, for their existence in a country which we call Nigeria," Clark told the radio network.

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