
Group trying to reach out to prostitutes

ABERDEEN, Scotland, June 8 (UPI) -- A group providing health and safety advice for Scottish prostitutes is compiling a data base of cell phone numbers so they can send text messages.

A spokeswoman for Quay Services in Aberdeen told The Scotsman the group has had trouble reaching prostitutes since the city closed its tolerance zone near the harbor. Quay Services works to help protect prostitutes from harm and support women who want to change their lives.


"Since the zone went, women are dispersing from the harbor area to other parts of the city center," said Luan Grugeon. "We are now finding it more difficult to reach women and offer them access to our services."

Quay Services is going online and to check advertisements to get cell phone numbers.

Aberdeen was forced to drop the tolerance zone in October because of a new national law outlawing prostitution.

During the six years when prostitutes were allowed to work around the harbor, Quay Services provided advice about sexual safety and provided women with panic alarms.

Grugeon said the group still works with police on a "dodgy punters" list of men who appear likely to be a threat to prostitutes.


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