
Child support is target of phony e-mails

PITTSBURGH, May 27 (UPI) -- U.S. child support money is apparently the latest target of overseas e-mail scam artists, officials said.

False e-mails believed to originate from Romania have been reaching users of the Eppi Card, used by Pennsylvania and 14 other states to distribute government money. The criminal e-mails, known as "phishing," seek personal information and account data from the unsuspecting. While appearing to be legitimate, the e-mails contain links to bogus Internet sites, officials told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.


"It's very disappointing to see this," said Dan Richard, director of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Child Support Enforcement

Eppi Card holders are urged not to divulge any information via e-mail or on the telephone. If in doubt, the card holder should call the customer service number on the back of the card.

On its Web site,, Eppi Card warns customers about the scam and advises that it would never ask for personal or card information by e-mail, phone calls or phone text messages.

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