
Russia rolls military hardware in parade

MOSCOW, May 10 (UPI) -- For the first time since the demise of the Soviet Union, military hardware rumbled through Red Square in celebration of Russia's victory over Nazi Germany.

Friday's Victory Day celebration, marking the 63rd anniversary of Hitler's defeat, featured columns of tanks, sophisticated weaponry and goose-stepping soldiers, something not seen in Moscow since 1990 when the U.S.S.R. was in its last days, according to The New York Times.


The military parade was reviewed by Russia's new president, Dmitri Medvedev, who was joined by his mentor, former president and current Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Western observers debated the meaning of the Kremlin's decision to reinstate the military parade. Some believe it was meant as a message to the world that Russia, under the leadership of Putin and Medvedev, is intent on taking a stronger role in world affairs after its post-Soviet struggles of the 1990s, the newspaper said.

But Putin dismissed speculation the Victory Day parade had any ominous overtones.

"It is not a warlike gesture," he told reporters. "Russia is not threatening anyone."

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