
Airport jumper faces cocaine charge

MIAMI, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- A man who jumped from a second-story balcony at Miami International Airport after running from the security check has been charged with possession of cocaine.

Faid Beydoun, 42, broke one of his arms and some ribs, The Miami Herald reports. He was being held in the jail ward of a hospital on charges that included loitering, prowling and resisting arrest without violence.


The cocaine was allegedly found in luggage that Beydoun had given a traveling companion to check in. That man and another one were flying from Miami to Los Angeles like Beydoun but on a different flight. The three had been staying at the same South Beach hotel in the Miami area.

Beydoun ran when screeners at the security check pulled him aside for more detailed questioning Monday afternoon. He turned out to be carrying a Lebanese passport as well as a forged U.S. passport.

His companions described Beydoun as a party promoter.

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