
'Maybe' pit bull sentenced to die

TORONTO, Feb. 14 (UPI) -- A Toronto dog with disputed pit bull blood has 30 days to live after an altercation with an allegedly knife-wielding man, The Toronto Star reported Thursday.

The 4-year-old male dog named Munchie escaped his downtown yard last September and allegedly attacked a neighbor. That's one of two areas of dispute, the newspaper said, as the dog's owner claims the neighbor had previously threatened to kill the dog and attacked Munchie with a knife before he was bitten.


Police charged the unidentified neighbor with uttering threats, break and enter and threatening with a weapon but the charges haven't yet gone to trial.

For his part, the neighbor claimed the dog bit him and Animal Services quarantined the dog, where the dog remains. The service claimed the dog was a pit bull, a breed under strict controls in the province since August 2005.

The second dispute arose when a Canadian Kennel Club-licensed judge said Munchie isn't a pit bull but rather a mongrel that most resembles a field Labrador, the Star said.

It wasn't immediately known if the owner would file an appeal, the Star said.


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