
Winfrey campaigns for Obama in S.C, N.H.

COLUMBIA, S.C., Dec. 10 (UPI) -- Television talk-show host Oprah Winfrey helped attract about 29,000 people to a rally for Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barrack Obama in South Carolina.

Obama and his leading rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, are vying to attract black voters and, more particularly, female blacks, The Washington Post reported.


"Both campaigns are fishing in the same pond," said Carol Fowler, head of the Democratic Party in South Carolina.

The event Sunday in Columbia, S.C., followed a similar Obama-Winfrey appearance in Iowa Saturday.

Fowler said census figures show women will account for 60 percent and blacks for 55 percent of the primary vote.

Former President Bill Clinton, who the Post said is very popular in the black community, spent both Saturday and Sunday in South Carolina campaigning for his wife.

Sunday night, Obama and Winfrey traveled to a rally in Manchester, N.H., where Winfrey said Obama has an "ear for eloquence and a tongue for the unvarnished truth," The Hill reported.

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