
Commandments to be posted in Ga. building

ALBANY, Ga., Nov. 20 (UPI) -- The Dougherty County Commission in Georgia has approved a measure allowing the Albany-Dougherty Judicial Building to display the biblical Ten Commandments.

The decision followed a push by two Albany, Ga., churches inspired by the passing of Georgia House Bill 941, which allows for the commandments to be posted in government buildings in some cases, The Albany (Ga.) Herald reported Tuesday.


"What better place to see these documents displayed than in the places that impact our laws?" said Joe Carr, pastor of First Baptist Church of Putney, Ga., after the commission approved the measure. "It doesn't matter what people's beliefs are, no one can deny that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.

"(The bill) allows for the Ten Commandments to be hung in county courthouses as part of a display that recognizes other aspects of our country's government."

The commandments will be posted as part of a Foundations of American Law and Government display.

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