
Colorado girl killed by float

WESTCLIFFE, Colo., Oct. 16 (UPI) -- A small Colorado high school has been devastated by the death of a 15-year-old who was run over by a float during a homecoming parade.

Courtney Curtis, of Westcliffe, died Saturday when she fell under the tractor-trailer carrying the float and was crushed by the rear tires, the Colorado Springs (Colo.) Gazette reported Tuesday.


“For this to happen is just unbelievable," said Custer County Sheriff Fred Jobe.

Custer County High's homecoming football game and dance were canceled, along with Monday’s classes, though grief councilors remained available at the school for students seeking help, said Principal Barb Jones, who called Curtis “an encourager.”

“She was very popular because she was so nice and genuine and kind," Jones told the Gazette.

Custer County is a one-building school district with 522 students in all and and 180 in the high school. Westcliffe, about 75 miles southwest of Colorado Springs is small enough that everyone knows each other, with homecoming events attended by much of the town.

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