
Robot removed from Utah mine after glitch

HUNTINGTON, Utah, Aug. 29 (UPI) -- An unexpected shift in the collapsed Crandall Canyon Mine in Utah has forced rescuers to remove a search robot and wait for another hole to be drilled.

While the robot managed to make it to the floor of the collapsed mine this week, rescuers were forced to remove it once a shifted section of the mine's ceiling blocked the robot's path, the Salt Lake City Deseret Morning News said Wednesday.


Now rescuers and the families of the six miners trapped in the mine must wait while a seventh hole is drilled that can fit the robot.

The information that the robot did gather during its time in the collapsed mine will likely not be available until this weekend.

Mine Safety Health Administration officials ruled out the possibility of sending the technological investigator down one of previously drilled holes due to safety concerns.

Crews began drilling the newest hole on Tuesday and is expected to be completed by late Wednesday or early Thursday, the newspaper said.

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