
Cancer cure cited as John Paul II miracle

VATICAN CITY, Nov. 7 (UPI) -- An Italian man whose cure from cancer is being attributed to the late Pope John Paul II says he would have preferred to remain anonymous.

Nicola Grippa of Salerno suffered from tumors that had spread to his lungs, kidney and spine. When the cancer vanished, his wife told doctors she had had a dream about the pope.


John Paul II, who died in April 2005, is already on the fast track for sainthood. A French nun who claims that her Parkinson's disease symptoms disappeared after she prayed to John Paul has been cited as a miracle.

Two miracles are required for canonization. Archbishop Gerardo Pierro, who apparently learned of Grippa's recovery from doctors at San Leonardo Hospital in Salerno, has put forth his cure as the second one, The Telegraph reported.

"For me it was a surprise, this story about the miracle," Grippa told La Stampa. "Today I was called by Bishop Pierro to the cathedral and he made me sign the papers that authorize the Vatican to examine all my medical records. I am hot and bothered by all this attention. I would have liked that it remained a secret."


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