
Evangelicals lose faith in Republicans

WASHINGTON, Aug. 24 (UPI) -- A poll on U.S. views on religion and politics finds that the Republican Party is losing ground among white evangelical Protestants.

The percentage of white evangelicals who believe the GOP is "friendly to religion" has dropped by 14 percent in the past year, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life said. Overall, the percentage of respondents who say Republicans are friendly to religion dropped to 47 percent from 53 percent.


Only 26 percent say Democrats are religion-friendly.

The poll also found that uneasiness about the mixing of church and state has edged up, with 49 percent saying Christian conservatives are going too far in imposing their religious views. On the other hand, 69 percent say liberals have gone too far in the other direction.

A majority, 63 percent, said the will of the people should determine laws, while 60 percent of white evangelical protestants say laws should be based on the Bible.

Sixty-five percent of respondents said they believe science is a force for good.

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