
Workplaces prepare for Gen Y

CHICAGO, Dec. 28 (UPI) -- Workplace experts say Generation Y will need direction as the thundering herd enters the workplace.

The Chicago Sun-Times says the children of Baby Boomers have been heavily scheduled with activities for most of their lives and experts say they now need structure in a work world where it's scarce.


The newspaper said it's a generation that Steven Mintz, author of Huck's Raft: A History of American Childhood, says has been "coddled."

"This is going to be the most high-maintenance work force in the history of the world," said Bruce Tulgan, author of "Managing Generation Y."

Still, they are part of the "most savvy, capable, knowledgeable new generation of workers in history," said Tulgan, a Connecticut-based workplace consultant.

But unlike their parents, they aren't willing to sacrifice their social lives for a job and aren't expecting long-term commitment from an employer. They have no intentions of becoming a slave to their jobs, the newspaper said.

John Challenger, CEO of the Chicago-based Challenger, Gray and Christmas outplacement firm, said Gen-Y'ers "are looking for meaning in their jobs. They are not just looking for a job, but they want to do something significant."


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