
Baton Rouge in 'traffic catastrophe'

BATON ROUGE, La., Sept. 8 (UPI) -- The influx of 100,000 people into Louisiana's capital because of Hurricane Katrina has created a "traffic catastrophe."

Now the state's largest city, Baton Rouge streets that had regular rush-hour delays are now choked with extra vehicles, made worse this week with children returning to school, the Baton Rouge Advocate reported Thursday.


"It's a traffic catastrophe," said Mike Bruce of ABMB Engineers Inc. "We've had 25 to 30 years (of traffic) growth practically overnight."

Mayor-President Kip Holden said Wednesday federal officials are expediting $1 million to improve Baton Rouge area traffic signals to help keep vehicles flowing through the crowded streets.

"In the meantime, we are looking to use police officers and National Guardsmen for traffic control at certain key intersections," Holden said.

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