
Liberal groups rally for more support

WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- Liberal groups are rushing to rally support against the nomination of John G. Roberts to the Supreme Court with confirmation hearings set to start Tuesday.

In the past week, about 30 groups, including the NAACP, Naral Pro-Choice, the National Organization for Women and Americans United for Separation of Church and State, have formally and forcefully called on the Senate to reject Roberts, the New York Times reported. They have been joined by major Hispanic organizations.


But as these groups scramble to rally grass-roots support, the Times said some among them feel their efforts have failed because of rising concerns over other pressing issues like gasoline prices, casualties in Iraq and the devastation in New Orleans.

"Now there is this hurricane," said Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority Foundation. On Thursday, she suggested that the Senate Judiciary Committee should postpone the hearings. Hilary Shelton with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, also hoped for more time, the report said.

But others were confident their criticism of the nomination is making an impact on Senate Democrats.


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