
Lott takes shots at Frist in new book

WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 (UPI) -- U.S. Sen. Trent Lott of Mississippi is coming out of the political shadows and taking shots at fellow Republicans in a new book being published this week.

In "Herding Cats: A Life in Politics," to be released Tuesday, Lott recalls his anger at handing over the Senate majority leadership to Bill Frist of Tennessee in 2002.


"When he entered the Senate in 1995, I had taken him under my wing," Lott wrote, adding that, had Frist not decided on his "power grab" at the precise moment he did, "I would still be majority leader of the Senate today."

Lott fell from grace in late 2002 by making racially offensive remarks at a 100th birthday party for South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond.

"I went from being the most vocal, Johnny-on-the-spot senator to a shadow avoiding the media as I tried to establish a new congressional persona," Lott wrote, the Financial Times said.

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