
Some L.A. homes will have size limit

LOS ANGELES, July 28 (UPI) -- The Los Angeles City Council has endorsed an ordinance that would limit the size of homes built in an area of the San Fernando Valley.

Dubbed the "anti-mansionization" ordinance, proposed the law would restrict homes built on 8,000-square-foot lots to a maximum of 2,400 square feet or 40 percent of the lot size, whichever amount is greater, the Los Angeles Daily News reported Thursday.


The measure is an effort to combat so-called "McMansions" and involves quality of life and privacy issues, said Councilwoman Windy Gruel, who initiated the ordinance.

Jack Kyser, chief economist for the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp., has noticed the trend towards "mansionization" in parts of the city, and calls it a phenomenon. "People think they need more house," Kyser said, and added that it will be "interesting how the building and real estate community react."

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