
Israel authorizes apples sale to Syria

TEL AVIV, Israel, Dec. 23 (UPI) -- Druze living on the Golan Heights are planning to sell 15,000 tons of apples to Syria.

Syria and Israel ban trade with one another but the Druze living on the Golan Heights, which Israel occupied in 1967, have retained their Syrian citizenship.


The Israeli army's Radio station said the Golan Druze produced 30,000 tons in the past year and were left with a surplus. Assad Safadi, who heads a packinghouse in the area, said the Syrians were ready to buy them. Israel's Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu authorized the export and Channel 2 TV said some 500 trucks are expected to cross through the U.N. peacekeeping force's checkpoint at Kuneitra with the apples.

Israel exports goods to Arab countries but that is usually done through third countries concealing the true origin.

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