
Nader blames Democrats for poor showing

WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 (UPI) -- Ralph Nader says the Democrats are to blame for his poor showing at the polls, and he plans to get even.

Nader says the Democratic Party obstructed voters from having a choice of a third-party candidate through their numerous court challenges, including those in Pennsylvania and Ohio, both battleground states where Nader was eventually kicked off the ballot.


"No bad deed will go unresponded to. We are going to remember that and we are going to hold them accountable," said Nader.

"They denied millions of our voters a chance to vote Nader-Camejo. People have lost as a result," said Nader in an exclusive interview with United Press International.

The ongoing he-said, she-said between the two campaigns came to a full head Tuesday night as election returns filtered in, showing Nader at a demonstrably lower return than that in 2000, when he was able to garner 2.74 percent of the popular vote.

Nader says his diminishing numbers are the results of "the two-party electoral dictatorship in their lust for monopoly and power." Others say there was the fear that both Republicans and Democrats would have to face another Florida spoiler.


But Nader is resolved to make changes to the electoral process, which he believes has become the laughing stock of the world.

"I say, just stayed tuned. We are just beginning."

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