
Briton's captors may accept cash ransom

BAGHDAD, Oct. 2 (UPI) -- Terrorists holding Briton Ken Bigley hostage in Iraq might be willing to trade their captive for a cash ransom, the Guardian reported Saturday.

A Kuwaiti newspaper that has consistently delivered accurate information on abductions said Islamic militant leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has decided Bigley could be traded for money.


"Zarqawi does not intend to give up Bigley without political and economic profit," an Islamic source close to kidnapping groups in Iraq told the Al-Rai Al-Amm newspaper.

Bigley was seized last month along with two Americans who were later beheaded.

Meanwhile, Bigley's brother, Paul, has claimed armed officers raided his Dutch home. He said intelligence officers seized his computer and interrogated him on alleged contacts with the Tawhid and Jihad group. In his five-page statement, Paul Bigley said that although information from his hard drive was sent back to Britain, his only contacts with the groups were through the TV station al-Jazeera.

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