
ElBaradei frets non-proliferation status

JERUSALEM, July 8 (UPI) -- U.N. nuclear agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei said Thursday there are worrying signs non-proliferation is coming undone.

In an interview with Ha'aretz in Jerusalem, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency said he expressed such concerns to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in a closed-door meeting.


ElBaradei said Israel must take the spread of nuclear technology into account and remember terror is getting more sophisticated -- other countries could get nuclear weapons, and the ordinary deterrence that worked in the past may not be effective any more.

He used Pakistan as an example of how nuclear technology is readily available, citing Abdul Kadr Khan, who had commercial contacts with at least 20 countries and large companies. The IAEA only learned of it 18 months ago, when Khan's contacts with Libya came to light. He said clearly, this was not the work of Khan on his own.

He also told the newspaper the IAEA's inspection work in Libya is still not over, as in September, Libya is due to hand over more documentation to IAEA inspectors, respond to questions and provide clarifications.

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