
Rice: Iraq's leaders are not U.S. puppets

WASHINGTON, June 1 (UPI) -- National security adviser Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday she was not concerned about Iraqi leaders' criticisms, but warned violence may spike in Iraq.

"These are not America's puppets," Rice said of the newly named Iraqi interim government's leaders during a White House news briefing. "These are independent-minded Iraqis who are determined to take their country to security and democracy."


"That's why we liberated Iraq, ... to begin a process by which the Iraqis can have leadership that can speak on their behalf, act on their behalf. ... A part of democracy, a part of free speech, part of politics is to have open dialogue and open criticism," she said.

Rice also said violence may get worse as the new government tries to take control of Iraqi. "I want to be very clear: I think in the short term, you could see more violence, because I think these are people who are -- who know they have no place in the future Iraq," she said.

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