
First LNG shipments leave Qatar for Canada

HOUSTON, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- The first shipment of liquefied natural gas from Qatar is on its way to New Brunswick, Canada, supermajor ConocoPhillips announced.

The first cargo of LNG left the Ras Laffan industrial city in Qatar for a port in St. John. The Qatari project represents a collaboration between ConocoPhillips, Qatar Petroleum and Japanese conglomerate Mitsui, which holds a 1.5-percent stake in the venture.


The venture, Qatargas 3, was formed in 2005 to integrate LNG production to support roughly 7.8 million tons of deliveries to international markets.

Jim Mulva, the top executive at ConocoPhillips, said the development, which was five years in the making, was an opportunity for his company to bolster ties in the Qatari energy sector.

We "now look forward to seeing QG3 provide clean-burning natural gas to markets throughout the world," he said in a statement.

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