
Sheryl Crow opens up about her past year

CHICAGO, Dec. 1 (UPI) -- U.S. singer Sheryl Crow, appearing on TV's "The Oprah Winfrey Show," talked about her fight with cancer and her very public personal life.

People magazine reported that Crow, 44, opened up about the difficulties of the past year, which started out with her engagement to Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong. The couple broke it off just weeks before Crow was diagnosed with breast cancer. Despite the hardship, People reported, Crow said she was grateful for what has happened to her.


"I've had so many people (say to) me, 'Gosh, you know, everything's really gone wrong for you this year,' and it took me going through that to realize that everything really went right for me," she said in an interview that aired Thursday.

"It brought me to this point where I am now, and I really feel like I have a lot of clarity."

Crow has been cancer-free for six months. She also brought a home in Nashville to be closer to her family, People reported.


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