
Axl Rose arrested in Stockholm

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 27 (UPI) -- Swedish authorities Tuesday held rocker Axl Rose for allegedly biting a hotel security guard.

"He has been taken into custody, but I can't comment on anything more than that," police spokesman Lars-Erik Larsson told Tuesday's edition of The Local.


Officer Towe Hägg said the rock star was still drunk in his cell Tuesday morning. She also said he is being charged with damaging property, assaulting a security guard and threatening the police in the squad car on the way to the station.

"We have a rock star, but we won't confirm the name yet," Hägg told The Local. "I'm not sure if he was taken away in handcuffs, but he is in the drunk cell and we are waiting for him to sober up before we talk to him."

Rose was arrested for biting a 30-year-old security guard, who broke up a fight between a woman and Rose.

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