
Brian Jones death probe to reopen

LONDON, Aug. 16 (UPI) -- The 1969 death of Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones could be reopened amid possible evidence he was killed for a $14,000 debt.

The New York Daily News reported Tuesday that Jones' former girlfriend, Pat Andrews, persuaded British authorities to exhume Jones' body after a 150-page dossier was released describing his drowning at age 27.


"Disturbing new evidence has emerged which merits a full new police investigation," Andrews told Britain's Sunday Express.

A new film, "The Wild and Wicked World of Brian Jones" claims the late Frank Thorogood, a builder, drowned Jones while the two fought over the debt.

"It is quite a complicated story," film director Stephen Woolley said. "It's not like Thorogood just got up one morning and decided to murder Brian Jones. It is the route that it took to get there."

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