
Germany approves 108 offshore wind turbines

ESSEN, Germany, Aug. 29 (UPI) -- Germany signed off on permits to install more than 100 wind turbines for what energy company RWE Innogy said was the country's largest offshore wind complex.

RWE said it received federal permits for the construction of 108 more wind turbines designated for the last two phases of the Innogy Nordsee offshore wind energy complex. A permit for the first 58 turbines was secured in April 2012.


The company said approximately 1,000 megawatts of wind energy could be generated from the Innogy Nordsee offshore complex.

"The granting of the second and third permits has finalized the development process of Germany's largest offshore wind farm cluster," RWE Innogy's Chief Executive Officer Hans Bunting said in a statement Wednesday.

The company said construction is planned for 2015.

The energy company commissioned a report earlier this month stating the cost of electricity from offshore wind would decline through consistent development.

Ronny Meyer, managing director of the German Wind Energy Agency, told the German news magazine der Spiegel in an Aug. 2 report the national market for wind energy "has collapsed."

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