
Palin says no to Google Glass wearing reporter

Sarah Palin, Todd Palin. UPI/John Angelillo
1 of 2 | Sarah Palin, Todd Palin. UPI/John Angelillo | License Photo

Nilay Patel, a writer for The Verge, was wearing Google Glass when he encountered Sara Palin at the Woodford Reserve hotel the night before he was supposed to cover the Indianapolis 500.

On his article about the experience, Patel recounts Palin was awkward and refused to take a photo with him, he assumes because he was wearing Glass.


When asked if she wanted to try them herself, her husband Todd Palin jumped in and said, "What's in it for us? We don't know what company you're with."

Later, when Patel told the couple he was a journalist and just wanted to ask their opinion, Todd "icily" asked him to leave.

According to Patel, everyone else except the Palins were crazy about his glasses. "I was a spectacle at the spectacle," he wrote.

For Patel's full article on the Indiana 500 and life behind Glass visit The

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