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Early adopters to Google's wearable computers would like to lay down some basic etiquette before the new technology becomes as widespread as cell phones.
The "Glass Explorers" -- the lucky few testing out Google Glass, high-tech headgear meant to integrate computing into daily activity even more than it already is -- want to head off potential social disruptions.
"We're going to have to work it out as a society, as we always do," Noble Ackerson, a member of the Explorers and a software developer told NBC.
"When we first had cellphones, there were certain rules that we now take for granted. Like not answering a call during dinner or something like that. Or in a meeting you wouldn't get up and start talking. We have that understanding with cellphones."
Hoping to normalize Glass, Ackerson has put together a collection of "Glass Etiquette" cards that offer advice such as: "Don't use Glass in the locker room or rest room. Others may get extra paranoid during private situations," and: "Use Glass with class."
In an attempt to tackle these issues head-on, Google has helpfully suggested a few "moves" for Glass-wearers to put company at ease.
There's "the Californian," which involves the wearer perching the Glass on top of his or her head, like a pair of sunglasses, or "the LeBeau," named for Glass engineer Mike LeBeau, in which the Glass is turned off and worn backwards around the neck.
The tech giant knows the increased integration of technology into every moment of daily life increases privacy concerns, so it has been open about taking feedback from its Explorer team.
"We are thinking very carefully about how we design Glass because new technology always raises new issues," a representative from Google said.