The Duchess of Cambridge is a major trend-starter.
It's a little like taking a picture of your favorite celebrity to the hair salon and asking for the same cut. Except in this case, people aren't asking for her hairdo: they want her nose.
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The Duchess of Cambridge is a major trend-starter. It's a little like taking a picture of your favorite celebrity to the hair salon and asking for the same cut. Except in this case, people aren't asking for her hairdo: they want her nose.
After a wave of British ladies looked to their plastic surgeons to capture the particular charm of Kate's nose, the trend has officially hopped the pond.
Scores of American women are asking for the royal rhinoplasty, with surgeons identifying it as major trend.
"A couple of months ago, these women started coming into my office and asking for Kate Middleton’s nose,” Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg, a Manhattan plastic surgeon and author of “A Little Nip, A Little Tuck,” told the New York Daily News. “It has become so popular that we have made a file of a dozen Kate Middleton pictures to show patients when they come in for their consultation.”
Greenberg estimated he had 20 Kate nose jobs scheduled in a month, to the tune of $7,000.
Another physician, Dr. Thomas Romo, said he's completed about 100 of the procedures, at $10-12,000 a pop.
“They are looking for a natural nose on a beautiful woman and the Duchess is in the news all the time,” Romo said. “Before her, we used to get a lot of people wanting Jennifer Aniston’s nose, but now Kate Middleton is everywhere and everyone admires her nose.”
Women described the nose as "cute," "not too big... not too small," "feminine" and "adorable."
But Johanna Ricardi, who is scheduled to get the royal treatment from Dr. Greenberg next month, summed it up perfectly:
"Who wouldn't want to look like a princess?"