
Bush, staff move on anti-terror measures

CRAWFORD, Texas, July 26 (UPI) -- U.S. President George Bush met Monday with top national security officials on quickly implementing new measures to bolster anti-terrorism capabilities.

Informed sources said in addition to a regular national security briefing in the morning, Bush was also meeting with national security adviser Condoleezza Rice at his Prairie Chapel Ranch, where he was staying until after the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention. Later in the day, Bush and Rice were also holding videoconferences with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, CIA Acting Director John McLaughlin, Attorney General John Ashcroft, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and FBI Director Robert Mueller, among others.


White House staff and security officials began meeting last week to study recommendations put forward by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

Sources, who requested anonymity, said implementation methods could include Executive Orders where possible to avoid congressional delays.

The panel report said lack of intelligence cooperation and coordination contributed to the failure to discover and stop the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


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