Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe April 3 (UPI) -- A territorial turkey that has been causing chaos in the carpool line at a North Carolina elementary school was caught on camera being chased off by the principal. Parents at Alston Ridge Elementary School in Cary said the wild turkey, dubbed Mr. Tom by locals, has been planting himself in the carpool line for the past several days, refusing to move and pecking at any cars or people who dare to approach him. Advertisement Cary Animal Services posted a photo to Facebook showing Principal Niko Schutte chasing the turkey away from the parking lot with an umbrella. The post explained that an animal services officer had initially been successful in chasing Mr. Tom away from the school, but the brave bird eventually lost his fear of her and planted himself right next to her patrol vehicle. Animal services said that's when Schutte stepped in with the umbrella, a method that "did the trick...for now." The post explained Mr. Tom is in a hormonal state that makes him extra unreasonable. "Its breeding season and the male birds get a little rowdy and territorial," officials wrote. "Male turkeys compete for dominance with other turkeys and may also try to prove their toughness to people!" Advertisement Read More Snake missing for over a year gets dropped on roof by crow Sanctuary throws birthday party for 17-year-old duck N.C. woman wins early birthday gift from lottery drawing