
Customer orders one beer, leaves $3,000 tip

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Nov. 23 (UPI) -- The owner of an Ohio jazz and blues club said a customer who came in just before the business closed its doors due to COVID-19 ordered a single beer and left a $3,000 tip.

Brendan Ring, owner of Nighttown in Cleveland Heights, said a customer came in during brunch on Sunday, the last day before the business was due to close for a second time amid the pandemic, and ordered a single Stella Artois beer.


The man handed his bill to Ring and told the owner to split the tip among the waitstaff.

Ring said he initially was shocked to see the man had written in a $300 tip for his $7 bar tab, but he put his glasses on and realized the tip was actually $3,000.

The owner said the big tip will come as a big help to his staff, who are facing six to eight weeks of Nighttown being closed. Ring said the business previously was open 364 days a year, closing only on Christmas, but he made a preemptive decision to close this week due to the spreading virus.

"I have to consider my staff, right?" Ring told WOIO-TV. "In the last two weeks, this COVID has gotten very, very close to all of us and I've had four customers, really close customers, get it."


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