Subscribe | UPI Odd Newsletter Subscribe Aug. 17 (UPI) -- A 5-year-old archery prodigy in India fired 111 arrows into a target in just over 13 minutes while suspended upside down. The Chennai girl, P Sanjana, celebrated Indian Independence Day by being suspended upside-down and firing 111 arrows into a target in 13 minutes and 12 seconds. Advertisement The event was attended by officials including Pramod Chandurkar, secretary-general of the Archery Association of India, and Virendra Sachdeva, president of the Delhi Archery Association. Sanjana's coach, Shihan Hussaini, said video and other evidence from the girl's feat will be submitted to Guinness World Records. The girl previously made headlines at age 3, when she fired 1,111 arrows in a 3 1/2 hour period. Read More Penguin found wandering British village after farm escape $128,000 lottery ticket purchased moments before cutoff time Russian athlete breaks Guinness record for underwater bench press