WASHINGTON, June 6 (UPI) -- The U.S. Air Force plans to add more than 1,000 cyberexperts to its ranks, a 15 percent increase to the current complement.
Gen. William L. Shelton, the commander of Air Force Space Command, said the additional experts will be added in fiscal years 2014 to 2016 in support of the U.S. Cyber Command's goals of steadily extending its range across the newest warfare domain.
At the end of April, Air Forces Cyber, a component of the U.S. Cyber Command, opened a 46,000-square-foot headquarters and operations center for plans and operations capabilities and coordination with integrated personnel from law enforcement, the Defense Information Systems Agency and Industry.
The service said candidates for the new positions will include active duty, Reserve, Air National Guard personnel and civilians.
"What you want is talented people, and in part that talent has to do with science, technology, engineering and math skills -- not necessarily degrees, but a proclivity to operate in that kind of manner, to enjoy that kind of mindset," said Maj. Gen. Suzanne M. Vautrinot, who is in charge of the Air Force cyberenterprise.