
Counter-terror think tank goes non-profit

WASHINGTON, April 20 (UPI) -- A U.S. think tank in Washington that focuses on issues of global terrorism has been reorganized as a non-profit entity.

The Terrorism Research Center said the change allows it to "continue the mission of raising public awareness on terrorism related issues and establish a knowledge-base of security-related research and analysis."


The center was founded as a commercial entity in 1996 on the first anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing in which anti-government domestic terrorists attacked a federal building and killed 168 people.

The organization provided research, analysis and training related to terrorism and international security.

"The TRC had an incredible legacy as a commercial company," said TRC co-founder Matthew Devost. "We believe there is still a strong need to continue the research and collaboration on such critical topics in the public's best interest."

TRC said reconstituting as a non-profit will help establish new programs.

"Thousands of researchers utilized the TRC knowledge base on a daily basis," said Brian Houghton, another TRC co-founder. "Our intent is to open the dialog, provide valuable counter-terrorism resources and advance the latest thinking in counter-terrorism for the public good."

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