
Harding favors arbitration for industrial disputes

NEW YORK, Nov. 22, 1920 (UP) - "Regardless of details, which must be worked out with care in the framing of legislation, the idea of regional commissions for mediation, conciliation and arbitration for industrial differences is the basis of the Republican program," President-elect Warren G. Harding stated in a letter written to Collier's Weekly before his election.

The letter was in response to a request for comment on an editorial in that magazine July 31 which said:


"Every strike has been settled by men sitting around a table. Why not make this settlement before the strike begins?"

"Arbitration cannot, in private industries, be forced upon either side, but where both sides can agree on it, and to accept its results, there should be provided the most effective instrumentalities for carrying it into effect," Harding continued.

"Experience has shown that misunderstanding is responsible for a large share of industrial disagreements."

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