
Gingrich to air extended ads on gas prices

WASHINGTON, Feb. 22 (UPI) -- Republican U.S. presidential contender Newt Gingrich plans to air extended ads on gas prices in Super Tuesday states, his campaign said Wednesday.

The campaign said it will purchase half-hour blocks of broadcast time in key cities between now and March 6 for an extended address by the former House speaker, the Los Angeles Times reported. Though Gingrich is not on all the ballots, 10 states hold nominating contests on Super Tuesday.


The ads will show Gingrich outlining his vision for increased energy production in the United States, and Gingrich will speak without using a teleprompter or text, the campaign said. It features Gingrich sitting in front of a blue-lit curtain.

The Times said Gingrich will tell voters, "We are not a country of food stamps and welfare. We are a country of the work ethic, of a job, of take-home pay, of opening up our own business. And this kind of energy program will do just that."

"The answer to Gov. [Mitt] Romney's 30-second attack ads filled with garbage is a 30-minute address filled with substance," Gingrich spokesman Joe DeSantis said in a statement to reporters.


Though Gingrich is not on all the ballots, 10 states hold nominating contests on Super Tuesday.

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