
Sneaky teenager rescued from chimney

ROYAL OAK, Mich., Nov. 25 (UPI) -- Authorities in Royal Oak, Mich., rescued a teenager from a chimney at a center for troubled youths after he got stuck sneaking back inside after missing curfew.

Royal Oak Police Lt. David Clemens said the unidentified teen's desperate moans Thanksgiving Day were eventually heard by a staff member and rescuers were brought in to extract him, the Detroit Free Press reported.


"They had to use a soap solution to lubricate him a little, but they could reach down and get him," Clemens said of the holiday rescue.

The teenager reportedly had missed the center's curfew and attempted to find another way into the facility to avoid detection.

The newspaper said after being pulled from the chimney, the teen was taken to a hospital with minor scrapes on his back.

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