
Six U.S. congressmen head to North Korea

WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 (UPI) -- Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., will lead a delegation of lawmakers to North Korea, to try and "kick start" talks on the communist nation's nuclear program.

Six congressmen -- three from each party -- will meet next week with the North Korean Foreign Minister, Paek Nam-Sun, Weldon told United Press International.


"We will be reinforcing the position of our president," said Weldon. "These talks need to be kick started."

The delegation, which leaves Sunday, will also visit China, Japan, Russia and South Korea -- the other four members of the stalled six-nation process the United States put together to get North Korea's dictator Kim Jong-Il to give up his nuclear ambitions.

Weldon, who last year led the first-ever delegation of U.S. lawmakers to the famine-stricken Asian nation, said he hoped this time to meet Kim, and aimed to finalize arrangements for a conference of parliamentarians from all six countries.

The delegation will also stop in crisis-torn Indonesia, to deliver U.S. aid.

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