
Holy month of Ramadan begins for Muslims

, Bahrain, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- Cannon fire signaled the start of Ramadan on the island of Bahrain early Monday.

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a month of fasting and reflection for more than a billion Muslims worldwide.


For the entire month, starting at dawn until immediately after sunset, Muslims refrain from drinking, eating, smoking and sexual relations, the Gulf Daily reported.

In Bahrain, the Justice and Islamic Affairs Ministry issued an order forbidding restaurants and coffee shops to open during daylight in Ramadan.

Non-Muslims may eat during the day, but not in public. Anyone seen eating, drinking or smoking during the banned hours will be arrested, the newspaper said.

The holiest night of Ramadan is Lailat Al Qadir, which falls in the last 10 days, Gulf News said.

Muslims believe prayers on that night will be answered and God will reward the faithful who stay up late praying for the atonement of sins and a place in paradise after resurrection.

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