
ESTA extends Intergraph's contract

HUNTSVILLE, Ala., March 20 (UPI) -- Intergraph announced it has been awarded a contract extension from the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority of Victoria, Australia.

U.S. company Intergraph, an engineering and geospatial software provider, was contracted to continue providing computer-aided dispatch services to Victoria's ESTA.


ESTA, one the world's largest emergency-services zones, is responsible for dispatching calls for five public safety agencies and handles more than 1.8 million emergency calls per year.

"ESTA is proud to be one of the best multiagency emergency communications services in the world, with tough performance requirements and stringent accountability measures," Neil Foster, ESTA chief executive, said in a statement.

"Time saves lives in our business, and Intergraph's computer-aided dispatch technologies enable us to provide the best service possible to Victorians when they need it most."

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