
Actors react to Dumbledore's outing

LONDON, Nov. 12 (UPI) -- The stars of the "Harry Potter" films seem amused and supportive of British author J.K. Rowling's decision to reveal her Dumbledore character is gay.

Rowling disclosed the sexual orientation of the Hogwarts headmaster in New York while on her U.S. book tour last month.


So far, five of Rowling's seven books have been adapted to the big screen.

"I thought it was hilarious," Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry, told BBC News, adding Michael Gambon, the actor who portrays Dumbledore has been "really camping it up for the last three weeks."

"J.K. Rowling is an incredibly intelligent woman. She can't have thought for a moment that that would go down well in the Bible Belt of America, but she put it brilliantly herself, 'He's my character -- I can do what I want with him.' Which I think is fair enough."

Emma Watson, who plays Hermione, remarked: "It never really occurred to me before, but now J.K. Rowling's said that he's gay it sort of makes sense.


"I think what surprised everyone was the amount of media attention it's received. I think it's nice that the story has ended but there are still things that people don't know," she added.

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