
Pakistani air force getting EW system

CAMDEN, N.J., April 4 (UPI) -- Pakistan's air force, through a U.S. Foreign Military Sales deal, is to receive defensive electronic warfare system from ITT Exelis.

Under the $54 million contract, ITT Exelis will provide its Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare System, which integrates digital radar warning receivers and advanced jamming countermeasure systems for protection against surface-to-air and air-to-air weapon systems.


Both internal and external systems are now in production, the company said.

Under the FMS the external pod-mounted AIDEWS will be provided for 16 aircraft.

"This pod-mounted system brings electronic warfare technology to our customers at much less expense," said Rich Sorelle, vice president and general manager of the Exelis Integrated Electronic Warfare Systems business area.

"Since AIDEWS is being adopted by many of our international allies and is based on our modular and scalable EW technology, future upgrade costs are shared and affordable.

"Legacy and new F-16 aircraft fleets share the exact same components for internally mounted and external pod versions, significantly reducing the cost of ownership."

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