
Farrakhan: Where's proof on bin Laden?

CHICAGO, Oct. 17 (UPI) -- Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan says President Bush must show the American people evidence that Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida network was behind the Sept. 11 terror attacks before the nation is drawn into a wider U.S. war on terrorism.

"It's like you never heard of the man (bin Laden)," Farrakhan said in a speech Tuesday night commemorating the sixth anniversary of the Million Man March at Christ Universal Temple on Chicago's far South Side.


Farrakhan said Bush should not hide behind national security while attacking foreign countries because the people would support the government more if they had proof of the reasons we say we are bombing.

"Don't hide behind national security," Farrakhan said. "The nation would be more secure if you give the American people the reasons to fight.

"He (Bush) said he had overwhelming evidence. Have you seen it? Farrakhan said. "Isn't this the government of the people, by the people and for the people, then bring the evidence and show it to the American people. There's nothing wrong with asking the American government to show us the proof."


British Prime Minister Tony Blair said he has seen irrefutable proof of bin Laden's involvement.

Farrakhan said Bush plans to send military forces to Iraq and other Islamic nations to "finish his daddy's war" and maintain control of oil.

Farrakhan said the people of American were "innocents" not involved in forming the policies of the government but must be aware of the consequences of another war in the Near and Middle East before they send their sons and daughters to fight.

Farrakhan condemned the attacks of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as crimes against humanity on Sept. 16 branding them "vicious and atrocious" and urged Bush to seek counsel from the world's spiritual leaders to avert a war of Armageddon.

The roots of the conflict, he said, lie with U.S. foreign policy since World War II.

"America used to be on the side of freedom, but for the last 30, 40, 50 years America has been on the side of dictators," he said, citing a laundry list of CIA bribes, assassinations and overthrows stretching from Iran and Indonesia.

He exhorted U.S. leaders to re-evaluate foreign policy saying that the American people should be in charge of formulating policy not the multi-national corporations.


"Is (Secretary of State) Colin Powell the real architect of America's foreign policy or is he the mouthpiece of a policy that he may have some input into.

"But the war is raging behind the scenes between Mr. Powell, Mr. Cheney and (Secretary of Defense) Rumsfeld, (Deputy Defense Secretary) Mr. Wolfowitz, (National Security Advisor) Condoleezza Rice. Colin Powell is bringing some sanity and it's madness among them," he said. "Look in their eyes, the generals when you hear them talking, listen to them ..."

Farrakhan said some U.S. policy does not make sense.

"Can you imagine a man dropping bombs and food?" he asked. "Dropping tons and tons of bombs and a few loaves of bread and then dropping fliers down on the people saying the USA is not your enemy. Who the heck is dropping the bombs?"

"Does this sound like wise people are leading us?" he said.

Reporters were barred from attending the speech and had to listen on satellite television or the Internet.

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