
Homeless heir to millionaire fortune found dead

Huguette Clark, right, with her sister and father, circa 1917. (Wikimedia Commons)
Huguette Clark, right, with her sister and father, circa 1917. (Wikimedia Commons)

Reclusive millionaire Huguette Clark died last year at 104 years old, after spening several solitary decades first in a Fifth Avenue apartment, "surrounded by her dolls," and later in various Manhattan hospitals. Clark, the youngest child of mining and railroad investor Sen. William Andrews Clark, left behind a $300 million estate for her distant relatives to squabble over.

One of those long-lost relatives, homeless 60-year-old cowboy Timothy Henry Gray, was found dead under a railroad overpass in Evanston, Wyo. Wearing a light jacket in 10 degree weather, Gray likely died of hypothermia, completely unaware of his relatives' efforts to locate him and the potential $19 million he stood to inherit as Clark's half-great nephew.


According to NBC News, Gray's siblings said they hadn't heard from him since 1990. His older brother, Jerry, blamed the government for failing Timothy: "He was homeless essentially. If we had proper mental health services in this country, we could have been notified and known to do something."

According to the New York Post, Huguette spent 20 years and millions of dollars living in hospitals, while her magnificent family mansions sat empty. She left her fortune to doctors, nurses, a lawyer and account, angering 19 relatives now challenging her will in a New York court.


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