
Joss Whedon: If Romney wins, the zombies are coming [VIDEO]


As an expert in the undead, the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" creator might be the perfect man to endorse a candidate most likely to bring on a likely apocalypse.

"You need to ask yourself, am I ready? Am I ready for the purity and courage of Mitt Romney's apocalyptic vision?" filmmaker Joss Whedon asks in a mock political ad for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.


"Mitt's ready. He's not afraid to face a ravening, grasping horde of sub-humans, because that's how he sees poor people."

Zombies, that is.

Mitt Romney is a very different candidate, one with the vision and determination to cut through business as usual politics and finally put this country back on the path to the zombie apocalypse. Romney is ready to make the deep rollbacks to health care, education, social services, reproductive rights that will guarantee poverty, unemployment, overpopulation, disease, rioting -- all crucial elements in creating a nightmare zombie wasteland. But it's his commitment to ungoverned corporate privilege that will nosedive this economy into true insolvency and chaos. The kind of chaos you can't buy back. Money is only so much paper to the undead. The one percent will no longer be the very rich, it will be the very fast.


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