
'Star Trek' Google Doodle honors show's 46th anniversary


"Star Trek's" first episode aired 46 years ago this Saturday and Google's commemorating the occasion with an interactive Star Trek-themed addition to their always entertaining series of Google Doodles.

The Doodle uses caricatures of "Star Trek's" original cast members to make up the letters of Google's name. With its signature pointy ears, the letter "G" represents Dr. Spock. Uhura and Captain Kirk make up the two "O's." The second "G" and "L" represent Dr. McCoy and Sulu respectively. The last "E" is probably a "Redshirt," the term for an unnamed character who will probably die to service the story.


This latest Doodle from the Google team is perhaps one of their most interactive ever. Click over different parts of the image to uncover hidden storylines and "Star Trek" references contained within the Doodle.

In an interview with, Google Doodler Ryan Germick spoke about incorporating the spirit of the original show into the Doodle.

Like with all Google doodles, we were aiming to put a smile on people’s faces for a few of seconds before they search.


Star Trek is smart, entertaining, and has an unforgettable style – and it can also be really funny. We tried to stay true to all these qualities that have made generations love the show, while doubling down on the inherently silly nature of the crew gallivanting around as anthropomorphized Google letters.

The very first episode of "Star Trek," called "The Man Trap," aired September 8, 1966.

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