
Boehner back to blaming Obama trust deficit in immigration delay

The House Speaker walked back from his mocking criticism of his GOP colleagues, who he said last week were acting like whiny children on immigration.

By Gabrielle Levy
Speaker of the House John Boehner. UPI/Kevin Dietsch
Speaker of the House John Boehner. UPI/Kevin Dietsch | License Photo

WASHINGTON, April 29 (UPI) -- Less than a week after taking his Republican colleagues to task for refusing to make the tough choices to get an immigration fix passed, House Speaker John Boehner is back to blaming the president.

Last week, at a surprisingly frank event in his home district in Ohio, Boehner scrunched up his face to impersonate GOP congressmen who he said were acting like infants.


"Oooh, don't make me do this!" he mocked. "Oh this is too hard!"

But Tuesday, after his caucus's meeting, Boehner said he had gone “a little too far.”

“You all know me,” he told reporters. “You tease the ones you love.”

Instead, Boehner returned to his previous, well-trod tack: blaming Barack Obama.

“The biggest impediment we have in moving immigration reform is that the American people don’t trust the president to enforce or implement the law that we may or may not pass,” Boehner said.

The White House's use of executive orders to make changes, on immigration enforcement and particularly the Affordable Care Act, are at the heart of conservative complaints that Obama isn't a trustworthy partner, even on an issue both sides agree needs addressing.


That includes new guidelines expected in the coming weeks from the Department of Homeland Security to ease deportations of non-criminals, an issue that has been a sore spot for minorities that otherwise support the president.

While that news is expected to please minority groups that have staged sit-ins and hunger strikes to urge the administration to use executive action, conservatives say those efforts could undermine a shot at a bipartisan legislative overhaul, supported by both Democrats and moderate Republicans, such as New York Rep. Steve King and Illinois Reps. Adam Kinzinger and Aaron Schock, who all advocated for a pathway to citizenship in the past weeks.

But the window isn't large: Both sides say immigration reform has to happen this year, before 2016 looms too large and makes bipartisan action even less likely than it already is.

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