
Obama to talk with BP and nation

WASHINGTON, June 13 (UPI) -- The White House says President Obama will travel to the gulf plus address the nation this week about the BP disaster, outlining the government's next steps.

David Axelrod, senior White House adviser speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press" said the president, who has been under criticism allegedly for being slow to respond to the crisis, will be in the region Monday and Tuesday and will talk to the country Tuesday.


"He wants to lay out the steps we're going to take from here to get through the crisis," Axelrod said.

The president's address is scheduled to come on the evening of a meeting with BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg and CEO Tony Hayward to figuratively hold their feet to the fire.

"Our mission here is to hold them accountable in every appropriate way, and that is what we're going to do. I'm not -- I don't consider them a partner. I don't consider them -- they're not social friends -- they are not -- I'm not looking to make judgments about their soul. I just want to make sure that they do what they're required to do," Axelrod said.


The adviser also said Obama would call on BP to create a funded escrow account designated for damage claims arising from the worsening oil spill.

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